A little lesson in the scrap trade. We regularly go out to exotic (and less exotic) places to look at some material. Typically we’ll bring along a camera because our buyers always ask for pictures of the product on offer. The best way to take pictures of scrap is to place something familiar against the scrap, something like a pack of cigarettes or a pencil, in order to help the recipient of the pictures gauge the dimensions of the scrap. Last week a friend of ours went out to Africa to look at scrap. When the time came to take the picture, he didn’t have cigarettes or a pencil handy, so he took the...hmm...whatever he could...get his hands on....kinda thing The result is this picture.

OK, I’m cheating here. I didn’t take this picture (actually I have never set foot on the African continent), but I only travel 1 to 2 weeks out of every month, and therefore can’t always have fresh live pictures to post (hence all the flashbacks etc).
Where's the scrap?
Kid's SITTING on it. Click on the picture for close up. That's steel under him, not a snake.
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