The sky was crying early in the morning, as if to tell us that it too was grieving. That it was grieving with us the loss of our friend, our giant. A giant in every sense of the word. Someone who managed to touch our lives in so many ways, sometimes with a word, the turn of a phrase, a joke or an insightful comment. He always spoke his mind, and would never be intimidated. He never tried to sugar-coat his views and would always give it to us in its rawest, purest form, words sometimes bursting out with such passion and intensity, they would never fail to hit their mark. He could describe his cooking to us with such flowery words, such flair, that we could almost taste the words and smell the ingredients so powerful were they. So many moments that come to mind, so many words chocking on their way to the surface, and yet we owe it to ourselves, but more than that, to those he left behind, one of which will only know him through our stories, to remember him as much as we can. To delve into our minds and bring up those moments in which he touched our lives. Moments in which he made us laugh, think, or even sing with him as he engaged in one of the many ballads he so enjoyed. He may have enjoyed the good things in life, but he would always share them with his friends and close ones. He may have enjoyed the good things in life, but he was always rooted in reality, never losing sight of what really mattered.
We are now all the ones he left behind, all of us left pondering on the seeming injustice of what appears to be such a senseless departure. All of us feeling the pain, the anger sometimes, and like one of us expressed yesterday, hoping and praying, that he will be up there fighting for his loved ones, his family, protecting them for all that may come.
My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. And one day, when I manage to put it all back together again, there will still be one piece piece missing forever.
In one of his messages to me, when I told him we were moving to Israel, he wrote the following words:
From: Laurent Biron
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:45:55 +0200
To: Jehuda Saar
Subject: Re: tiftah rak kesheata levad.
Can't wait to sip an ice tea in your garden !!!!
We will meet again, my friend, but it will be in your garden instead.

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